WCGN recently received notice that as of December 15, 2020, Yahoo Groups will be shut down for good. That means we (and you) will no longer be able to access or use this platform to share news and information with each other. We believe this means that an email sent to WestCentralGermantownNeighbors@yahoogroups.com will just get bounced back to its sender.
In order that we all can communicate news of WCGN and information of interest to the community, WCGN strongly encourages neighbors to do the following:
1. Sign up to be added to the WCGN email list at www.wcgnonline.org This list is maintained by the leadership of WCGN, and items associated with the organization are shared via an emailed newsletter, typically once a month.
2. For now at least, WCGN has selected Nextdoor West Central Germantown as the community sharing platform to replace Yahoo Groups. When you sign up at Nextdoor, you must provide your address, and that allows you to connect to your community (West Central Germantown). You can designate topics of interest, and you can opt to also receive announcements from neighboring communities (i.e. Mt. Airy, Roxborough, East Falls etc.).
Nextdoor is somewhat similar to Facebook, but unlike on Facebook, you don’t share personal information, you cannot be “found” by people outside of our community, and there is no “friending”. Many local businesses, civic organizations, as well as City departments use Nextdoor to post information. To learn more and register, visit about.nextdoor.com/
WCGN will stop using the Yahoo Listserv as of December 10, 2020 and encourages all neighbors to sign up for both the WCGN email list and Nextdoor. Any announcements from the Board that are too time sensitive to wait for the newsletter will be posted on Nextdoor. If you need help or have questions, please contact Roberta Moore, at wcgnboard@gmail.com or moorerobertam@gmail.com.