2020 Annual Winter Party

WCGN’s January 26th Winter Potluck started off with an adorable surprise. Jenny Anne Horst-Martz arrived with a unique contribution to the dessert table–cupcakes dressed up as traffic lights, with dabs of red, yellow, and green frosting! She made these to celebrate the fact that the efforts of the Tulpehocken Coop residents and Jenny Anne have […]

Celebrating a Tree

On Monday, October 7, a group of neighbors met at 131 W Walnut Lane to pay tribute to one of the biggest and oldest trees in the neighborhood, a beautiful ash with a 7-foot girth in the back yard of Luke and Rama Smith, and formerly of the Jonathan Rhoads family. For many decades it […]

Fall Potluck 2019

This year’s fall potluck (Sunday, October 6) was graciously hosted by Fauzia and Zamir Garcia in their lovely back yard. No sooner were Silent Auction items laid out than it started to sprinkle! But within minutes Adam and Anastasia appeared with a tent, which they quickly erected to cover everything. Several items were sold, including […]

WCGN 2019 Fall Potluck

FALL POTLUCK, BUSINESS MEETING, AND SILENT AUCTION! Come and meet your neighbors! WCGN will hold its Fall Potluck and business meeting on: October 6, 2019 at the home of Fauzia and Zamir Garcia, 128 West Tulpehocken, starting at 3 pm. If you can, please bring food or a beverage to share (no pork products though). […]

Yard Sale Success

Thanks to all who donated, participated and volunteered to make this event a smashing success. Thanks to Marjorie and Luke Russell for their tireless efforts to collect, accept, price, organize and store donated items as well as to Tom Schwartz for collecting and pricing donated items as well as placing appropriate ads which definitely brought […]

Best Ever Memorial Day Picnic

Another wonderful potluck picnic—so many old and new faces and such terrific weather! Participants brought wonderful food, including vegetarian options this year for the grill. A special thank you to grill masters, Luke Russell, Paca Narvaez and Bernard Lambert!. Many, many thanks to Luke Smith and Rama Assaf-Smith for hosting again, and to Fauzia and […]


Monday, May 27, 2019, 3:00 pm RAIN or SHINE 131 West Walnut Lane—back yard (home of Luke and Rama Smith) It’s that time again!!! West Central Germantown Pot Luck 2019 Memorial Day Picnic. Meet your neighbors, bring your kids! Please, bring food or a beverage to share, which could include meat or vegetables to grill […]

WCGN Winter Party

The weather on Saturday, January 27 was conducive to a good turnout for WCGN’s Winter Party—combining a potluck meal and a quarterly business meeting. There were maybe 75 or so who shared good food and good talk and at least 50 who stayed for the business meeting. The only action item on the agenda was […]

October PotLuck Picnic

They must have been attracted by the irresistible aroma of Luke Russell’s hot ‘n’ spicy, authentic southwest chili con carne, because 70-80 neighbors forsook the Eagles/Vikings game and braved a rather warm and muggy afternoon to gather for the traditional Autumn Potluck at the gracious home of Steve and Linda Corsover on Tulpehocken Street, Sunday […]

Memorial Day Picnic 2018

The weather was ideal for the picnic on Memorial Day, and we had a great turnout! People brought delicious dishes and Luke Russell, in a white cowboy hat, grilled everything grillable. Neighbors reconnected and met newcomers while kids swung on the swing and played frisbee. Around 5:00 a WCGN business meeting was convened. Agenda items […]

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