Author: wcgnonli_emmott

Best Ever Memorial Day Picnic

Another wonderful potluck picnic—so many old and new faces and such terrific weather! Participants brought wonderful food, including vegetarian options this year for the grill. A special thank you to grill masters, Luke Russell, Paca Narvaez and Bernard Lambert!. Many, many thanks to Luke Smith and Rama Assaf-Smith for hosting again, and to Fauzia and […]

WCGN Election of Officers 2019-20

Election of Officers won’t take place until the October Potluck, but right now is the time to take the first step: consider nominating someone to serve on the board or volunteering to serve yourself. Elected posts are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. Please note that the board has appointed Johan de Jong Interim Treasurer. Next […]


Monday, May 27, 2019, 3:00 pm RAIN or SHINE 131 West Walnut Lane—back yard (home of Luke and Rama Smith) It’s that time again!!! West Central Germantown Pot Luck 2019 Memorial Day Picnic. Meet your neighbors, bring your kids! Please, bring food or a beverage to share, which could include meat or vegetables to grill […]


Have a look at the Tulpehocken Train Station Garden—it looks great! Good weather (mostly) and plenty of work contributed to a successful morning (May 4) finishing. Many thanks to all the people who helped out, and to Roberta for bringing delicious freshly baked mini-cupcakes to share! Next up is keeping the Garden watered and weeded […]

Green City, Clean Waters

Tuesday, May 7, 6:30 pm Germantown Community Presbyterian Church (Greene & Tulpehocken) For those of you who care deeply about the environment and the planet (and we assume that’s most of you), the WCGN board has arranged a special treat. Ms. Hailey Stern of the Philadelphia Water Department will be with us to make a […]

WCGN Spring 2019 Meeting

WCGN held its annual Spring Meeting Wednesday evening, March 27. Luke Smith had encouraging news about the proposed development of the property adjacent to the train station parking lot, and Roberta Moore announced a big WCGN yard sale planned for Saturday May 18. The intention is to include a silent auction and a bake sale! […]

WCGN Winter Party

The weather on Saturday, January 27 was conducive to a good turnout for WCGN’s Winter Party—combining a potluck meal and a quarterly business meeting. There were maybe 75 or so who shared good food and good talk and at least 50 who stayed for the business meeting. The only action item on the agenda was […]

Excellent Garden Help

On Saturday, November 3, a hard-working crew of nine tucked the Tulpehocken Station Orchard in for the winter with a pick-up load of mulch for bedding. Many many thanks to those who took time for this on a beautiful weekend!

Fall Cleanup at the Station

Saturday November 3 from 10:00 to 1:00 We will be doing a final weeding/mulching and can use all the help we can get. Please bring a wheelbarrow or cart if you have one, as well as shovels/rakes. Hope to see you there! Meanwhile, many many thanks to the volunteers who mulched and weeded during the […]

October PotLuck Picnic

They must have been attracted by the irresistible aroma of Luke Russell’s hot ‘n’ spicy, authentic southwest chili con carne, because 70-80 neighbors forsook the Eagles/Vikings game and braved a rather warm and muggy afternoon to gather for the traditional Autumn Potluck at the gracious home of Steve and Linda Corsover on Tulpehocken Street, Sunday […]

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