Author: wcgnonli_emmott

The Garden is Ready for Winter

Following two rainy days, volunteers at the Tulpehocken Station Garden were very lucky with the weather on Friday-Saturday, November 1-2. On Friday one group weeded to prepare the beds and on Saturday another cleaned up the edges and spread wood chips. Many many thanks to everyone who helped out—you all worked really hard! This plan […]

Celebrating a Tree

On Monday, October 7, a group of neighbors met at 131 W Walnut Lane to pay tribute to one of the biggest and oldest trees in the neighborhood, a beautiful ash with a 7-foot girth in the back yard of Luke and Rama Smith, and formerly of the Jonathan Rhoads family. For many decades it […]

Fall Potluck 2019

This year’s fall potluck (Sunday, October 6) was graciously hosted by Fauzia and Zamir Garcia in their lovely back yard. No sooner were Silent Auction items laid out than it started to sprinkle! But within minutes Adam and Anastasia appeared with a tent, which they quickly erected to cover everything. Several items were sold, including […]

WCGN 2019 Fall Potluck

FALL POTLUCK, BUSINESS MEETING, AND SILENT AUCTION! Come and meet your neighbors! WCGN will hold its Fall Potluck and business meeting on: October 6, 2019 at the home of Fauzia and Zamir Garcia, 128 West Tulpehocken, starting at 3 pm. If you can, please bring food or a beverage to share (no pork products though). […]

Memories of Jim

I recently learned of the death of Jim Alexander, a long-time resident of the 200 block of West Washington Lane. What a loss! What a champion Jim was, enduring being short of breath for so long, yet keeping his spirits up to the extent that people wouldn’t even know that he was under such duress […]

Fruit at the Station Garden

Heading into the second half of the growing season, the garden has just had a tidying-up session. We had skipped two weeks of weeding (one of them because it was just too hot) and suddenly the weeds were taking over, especially in the lower milkweed/blueberry patch. Luckily Saturday the 3rd was relatively cool and overcast, […]

Pop-up Garden Work Day

Five hard workers made great progress at the train station orchard on Saturday, June 15! Protecting the peach tree We removed diseased growing tips from the peach tree in the hope of protecting the fruit from the Oriental Fruit Moth. In addition, we finished thinning the fruit on the peach and plum trees, removed great […]

Yard Sale Success

Thanks to all who donated, participated and volunteered to make this event a smashing success. Thanks to Marjorie and Luke Russell for their tireless efforts to collect, accept, price, organize and store donated items as well as to Tom Schwartz for collecting and pricing donated items as well as placing appropriate ads which definitely brought […]

Best Ever Memorial Day Picnic

Another wonderful potluck picnic—so many old and new faces and such terrific weather! Participants brought wonderful food, including vegetarian options this year for the grill. A special thank you to grill masters, Luke Russell, Paca Narvaez and Bernard Lambert!. Many, many thanks to Luke Smith and Rama Assaf-Smith for hosting again, and to Fauzia and […]

WCGN Election of Officers 2019-20

Election of Officers won’t take place until the October Potluck, but right now is the time to take the first step: consider nominating someone to serve on the board or volunteering to serve yourself. Elected posts are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. Please note that the board has appointed Johan de Jong Interim Treasurer. Next […]

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