Author: wcgnonli_emmott

Germantown Town Hall Development

On February 6, District 8 Councilmember Cindy Bass hosted a second community meeting with developer Anthony Fullard of West Powelton Development (WPD) and architect Daryn Edwards of Cicada Architecture. Only 100 persons were in attendance at the tightly controlled meeting, where Ms Bass read to the developer about 20 questions that some attendees had posed […]

In Memoriam

We have heard the very sad news that our neighbor Sherri Tatro died suddenly while she and her husband Jim were visiting their daughter in Maine last week. Sherri and Jim for many years have been loyal regulars at WCGN gatherings, bringing delicious food and friendly smiles. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Jim and […]

Cindy Bass Hosted Town Hall Meeting

On Monday November 28th our Councilwoman, Cindy Bass, hosted a 7PM Community Meeting to introduce Anthony Fullard of West Powelton Development so that he could explain his development plans for Town Hall at 5928 Germantown Avenue.* The announcement for this meeting was sent via Twitter and then posted on the Council Person’s Facebook Page around […]

Important Preservation Initiative

On Thursday, December 8, the WCGN Board voted to enter into a contract with the architectural historian Oscar Beisert to complete a study of the 5700-6200 blocks of Germantown Avenue, both east and west sides, and to prepare the documentation required for its nomination to the Philadelphia Register of Historic Places as a Historic District. […]

Putting the Orchard to Bed

Thanks to an awesome work crew, the Tulpehocken Station Garden is officially ready for winter. The weather was perfect on Saturday, November 5 for unloading about a ton of wood chips from Luke’s and Bob’s pickups and spreading it underneath the trees. Big thanks to everyone who contributed, especially 5-year-old Desi Morris!

Fall Business Meeting

WCGN held its Fall General Business Meeting via Zoom the evening of Wednesday, October 26, when a new slate of officers was elected. There were approximately 45 in attendance. The 2022-23 officers are: Suzanne Ponsen, President Luke Smith, 1st VP Mike Ramos, 2nd VP Connie Winters, Secretary Johan de Jong, Treasurer The agenda also included […]

Fall Potluck a Success

The WCGN Fall Potluck that was held September 24 in the backyard of Wyck House was a great success. The weather was gorgeous and about 50 people — including many first timers — showed up with food to share. A docent gave tours of the house for anyone who so desired, and the kids were […]

Recap of OPA Meeting: Important Details about Property Taxes

The September 6 Q&A Zoom meeting for District 8 residents with Councilperson Cindy Bass and representatives from the City was well attended. Co-hosted by Penn Knox Neighborhood Assoc., SoLo, NW Neighbors, West Chelten Neighbors, Maplewood Neighbors and WCGN, the forum provided an opportunity to ask questions and learn some valuable information about property re-assessment and […]


On July 6 WCGN’s Zoning Committee hosted an RCO meeting with Mastery Charter regarding their plan to expand their athletic field. There were about 17 neighbors in attendance, including several near neighbors who are involved with the community garden there, which will be adversely affected. The vote did not support the project, and the ZC […]

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