Best Ever Memorial Day Picnic

image of picnic
2019 WCGN Memorial Day picnic

Another wonderful potluck picnic—so many old and new faces and such terrific weather! Participants brought wonderful food, including vegetarian options this year for the grill. A special thank you to grill masters, Luke Russell, Paca Narvaez and Bernard Lambert!.
image of WCGN picnic

Many, many thanks to Luke Smith and Rama Assaf-Smith for hosting again, and to Fauzia and Zamir Garcia for offering to host the October potluck. (More on that soon.) A sad goodbye to Linda and Steve Corsover who are moving to Mt Airy and have hosted the October picnic in the past. Linda’s work and the generous spirit she has poured into WCGN for close to 20 years are much appreciated and she will be greatly missed.

Thanks to Roberta Moore for her organization of the set up and clean up, and thanks to Roberta, Tim Marsh, and Melissa Wellington for their help in making it happen.

image of WCGN picnic
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The business meeting was chaired by Russell Fulton. Thanks to Ralph Marothy for bringing a PA system and to Luke and Rama for providing activities for kids during that time.

Jill Saull reported on progress being made with the developers of the Germantown High School Property.
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Anyone who would like to join Luke Russell on a 3-person nominating committee should email the board here: This ad hoc committee will have the task of soliciting candidates to run for office and preparing a slate for a vote at the October meeting.

Johan de Jong has offered to take over as treasurer from Denise Alexander who has faithfully served WCGN for three years.

People wishing to participate in or help with the Yard Sale (June 8) should sign up here. Yard Sale Form

Download pdf of Minutes of the May 2019 WCGN business meeting.

Thank You!

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